Education tomorrow
13 May 2019 by CSF Staff
Evening All,
Well done to those who attended today’s event with Arsenal, I have been asked to pass on thanks from them for the games today & how welcome they were made to feel so a big well done and thank you for the way you conducted yourselves.
Tomorrow is an education day as scheduled in your timetable with ALL students excepted to attend.
The morning will be spent with a guest speaker as discussed with you today, then we will be working on your planning for your event that takes place next week,
We will need to make sure everything is covered of tomorrow as this is a key part of the event.
We will be getting photo evidence tomorrow that will be required to form part of your assignment so all students will require this to be done tomorrow.
Please be in education suit for 9-30AM
Any issues please message
See you all in the morning.
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